Press Releases
Handheld Calibrator With Optional Built-in RS-232 Interface
The CL506 is a lightweight, versatile, portable handheld T/C & RTD calibrator developed for field and laboratory calibration. The CL506 simulates and measures 15 different T/C & 2 RTD signals. Very accurate (0.015% of span). The optional RS-232 is bi-directional. The CL506 also measures and generates mA, mV and OHM signals. Powered by an ac adapter, the CL506 also comes with, for field use, 4 NI-CAD rechargeable batteries. The CL506 will also work with standard AA batteries.
Priced at $2100.
For more information on this new product, contact OMEGA Engineering,
Inc.; or use our OMEGAfaxSM service to request Document #1687 by calling
1-800-848-4271 from any Touch-Tone phone.
For more information on this new product, contact OMEGA Engineering,